I read this book for my feminist bookclub (which seems currently incapable of picking a time to actually sit down and discuss it). So instead I will have some thoughts about it for the invisible masses of the internet. Or something.
My initial reaction to this book was two-fold. I find it extremely useful that the authors make every effort to get readers off their bums and doing something, even tiny little somethings, to help women all over the planet. One thing this book does well: condemn the low priority assigned to developing and ensuring women's health, economic well being, and educational opportunities around the world. The amount of money that is donated towards women and young girls around the world pales in comparison to say the 1.5 BILLION dollars spent on
Abstinence Until Marriage Sex 'Education' in the United States. Immediately it makes the facts about the status of women (read: shitty, as always) worldwide and gives you immediate ways to help out.